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Club Rules

  1. The club shall be called ‘Calvert Angling Club’

  2.  The holder of a membership card is authorised to stop all persons fishing the club waters who cannot produce their membership card or other recognized authority.

  3. The club officers consist of – President, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

  4. A committee of at least 6 members shall manage the club; the officers and the members shall be elected annually at the General Meeting, which will be held in April of every year.

  5. The Coarse Fishing season starts on various dates for different waters, please see newsletter for dates. (These must be adhered to!) The main season runs from the 1st of June each year

  6. All fish to be returned unharmed to the water. No member is allowed to take away any fish.  No coarse fish, alive or dead, to be used as bait. All members fishing for Carp, Cats or Pike must have a 42” Landing Net, a thick well padded unhooking mat and carp care treatment. Bailiffs will check this is adhered to.

  7. A current Rod License is compulsory for all members including Juniors over 12 years of age; it must be produced when applying for renewal of membership.

  8. Members (Junior) under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an Adult.

  9. The committee has the power to close the water at their discretion.

  10.  A quorum shall consist of 10 members.

  11.  Any member fishing shall do so at their own risk.

  12.  All lead weights larger than No 8 shot are banned.

  13.  The committee shall have control of membership.

  14.  Licenses are to be carried at all times when fishing on club waters.

  15. Junior Membership – Members who have not attained the age of 16 years by 1st June shall be deemed to be Junior Members for that season

  16. Vehicles must be parked inside the gate at Claydon Lake.

  17. Boilies may be used in moderation at Claydon Lake and Itters Pit.

  18. Keepnets must be a minimum of 3 metres in length, 450mm in diameter and made of knotless mesh.

  19. No fishing at Claydon Lake during local lighting up times (see notice board and Claydon webpage) except for those holding night fishing permits.

  20. Only Micro-barb and Barbless hooks to be used at Itters Pit for all types of fishing.

  21. Any person breaking club rules will be bought before the committee and risk losing their license.

  22. Whilst fishing, any angler moving more than 3 meters from their peg must remove baited lines from the water.

  23. All proposals for AGM are to be submitted in writing 28 days prior to the actual meeting.

  24. Maximum of 2 rods per member at Claydon Lake, irrespective of how many rod licenses held (except night permit holders who may fish 3) 2 Rods allowed at Itters Pit all year round. All rods must be fished from the same peg and lines are not to encroach where other Anglers are fishing.

  25. Size 6, maximum hook to be used whilst fishing Claydon Lake (Night ticket holders exempt).

  26. Night Fishing Permits must be renewed by 1st May.

  27. No open fires are allowed on Club waters except at work parties.

  28. All vehicles are restricted to the Car Parks and under no circumstances are they to be driven along the Bridleway at Itters Pit except at work parties.

  29. Padlocks at both waters must be kept locked at all times.

  30. Bivvies must not be left unattended for more than 3 hours.

  31. All litter must be removed and taken home. 

  32. No Angler is permitted to fish Itters Pit for a period exceeding 5 days, they must then vacate the water and not return for at least 48 hours

  33.  No Member shall erect a bivvy the day prior to commencing fishing.

  34. Anglers at Claydon Lake are to use line with a minimum breaking strain of 15lb when fishing for Carp.

  35. No treble hooks to be used at either lake, single hooks ONLY.

  36. No Pike fishing from 1st Feb until 1st October on both waters.

  37. No dogs at Claydon Lake allowed. Dogs welcomed at Itters but must be in control and any waste removed.


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©2021 by Dave Black - Calvert Angling Club

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